Day 1 Swift
Attempting Inktober using ASL, cause I need to practice drawing hands. There are other ways to sign fast, I went for the more dramatic one usually associated with very fast.
Day 2 Divided
When you search the sign for divide, it gives you the math definition of divide. But who wants to learn math? So I drew separate instead.
Half of these hands are bad. Reminds me that there's a reason I need to practice hands.
Day 3 Poison
Today I got my hand reference from a Shepton High School video on YouTube of a student's assignment signing to poison by Bell Biv DeVoe.
Day 4 Underwater
Combining two signs: under and water. I first wanted to do this layout with a scuba diver to reference deaf scuba divers. Unlike with most hearing people, the deaf can communicate very well underwater. I had trouble finding the right photo references and just took pics of me and my hands. One thing I didn't draw was the motion of the sign water (cause it would've become illegible against the hair) This sign you wiggle your wrist to tap on your chin repeatably.
Day 5 Long
From what I've read I think this sign is defined as long as in the sense of time. It would make sense that it starts around the wrist, where a watch would be. Today I drew Dr. Bill's hands based off of his online asl resource:
Day 6 Sword
Magical asl conjuring of a sword. Swish, swish.
Day 7 Shy
So sleepy... But managed to do an inktober for the sign shy! I decided to draw my sister, because she's the prettiest in all the world! And I'm kinda loopy from sleepiness.
Day 8 Crooked
Bent or twisted. For more info on other variations or definitions of crooked check out
Day 9 Scream
This sign starts with your hand in a claw shape at your mouth and then extending out like the sound of a scream. This sign also involves making the face of screaming. Maybe because of the fact I keep listening to podcasts about silver age legion comics, I felt like drawing a 60s lady screaming.
Day 10 Gigantic
"Cha!" Is an element of facial grammar. You apply this mouth shape to this sign to elaborate big to be very big. And there you have it: Godzilla signing gigantic.
Day 11 Run
This is based off of interpreter Amber Galloway Gallego's ASL cover of Iron Maiden's Run to the Hills. I love how she signs it in her video and to go with it, I've also drawn the traditional textbook sign for run behind her. Check out Amber G's ASL music covers on YouTube!
Day 12 Shattered
Two signs in one! CRACK and SHATTER.
Day 13 Teeming
Circle two hands one hovering over the other and wiggle those fingers. And then you've got a swarm.
Day 14 Fierce
Lou Ferrigno is a hard of hearing bodybuilder/actor famous for his role as the Hulk. Being the nerd I am, The Incredible Hulk is just one of the many shows I have watched growing up. I don't know if I drew him muscular enough.
Day 15 Mysterious
How mysterious... How did it get so late? All I did was draw three signs and over a hundred stars...
Day 16 Fat
Fat is, for some reason, one of the few signs I remember. So you know, great chance to draw myself. But there's also a few other ways to sign fat, this is the one I'm accustomed to. Of the signs, it's pretty consistent that you puff up your cheeks.
Day 17 Graceful
Carpel tunnel is catching up to me, so I took it easy for today's inktober. I don't specify in the drawing but the sign for elegant is done in a circling bouncing motion from the chest.
Day 18 Filthy
Practically twins! This is the second sign that I already knew!
I'm familiar with the variation of this sign having the fingers wiggle, but you could also do it in a way where you open and close your fist under your chin like this. I believe that the sign for filthy is also the same used for dust, dirt, and pig.
As for the ink, I experimented with ink splatters and got a bit carried away. At least the mess is within the filthy theme?
Day 19 Cloud
Clouds!!! Those those fluffy things in the sky!
Day 20 Deep
Day 21 Furious
Well, I've already done Hulk for fierce, so it made the most sense to draw Bill Bixby as Dr. David Banner for furious. Both these signs mean the same thing: angry. This variation refers to the way a person's face would get all scrunched up in anger.
Day 22 Trail
This inktober is based off of YouTube ASL Hawaii's video "Learn ASL words the fun way while hiking in Hawaii."
Day 23 Juicy
Gossiping, chattering... You do this motion with your index finger to your thumb like a chattering mouth. You do this with both hands while moving them left to right like a back and forth conversation or circularly so it looks like a gossiping group. I think? I'm not an expert. Comment if I'm wrong or right.
Day 24 Blind
Still catching up from how behind I am on Inktober. This one is pretty simple: "claw v" hand shape to nose below the eyes. Two tapping movements could mean literal and metaphorically blind is usually done with one movement.
Day 25 Ship
Still working on my asl inktobers...
Day 26 Squeak
This is Quill from the VR game Moss. Since she's a mouse she can only squeak, so Richard Lico added simple sign language to help her communicate with the player.
Day 27 Climb
It's like rock climbing... except the rocks aren't there.
Day 28 Fall
The fingers are also the legs. There a lot of ways to sign fall. And with classifiers and role play there are countless ways to show and express it.
Day 29 United
My last Inktober was for United which I did as the sign for friends.